Today 8th September 2022, 11th Safar 1444 Hijri (Thursday) at 01:15 PM Al-Jamiya Al-Islamia Patiya Senior Teacher Hazrat Maulana Qari Nurul Amin [RA] (Prakash Ampara Huzoor) passed away, inna-lilah wa inna ilaihillahi. agree The funeral prayer of the deceased will be held at 10:30 pm tonight in the Jamia premises. He was 68 years old at the time of his death. He left behind 1 son, 4 daughters and wife along with numerous students and well-wishers.
He was an ideal teacher of Jamia Patiya. He has performed various academic duties in Jamia with sincerity and efficiency for almost 44 years. His death really leaves a great void in the Jamia. Jamia Principal Allama Obaidullah Hamzah (Hafizahullah) along with all the students and teachers of Jamia are deeply saddened and saddened by his death.
We pray for the deceased’s forgiveness and express our condolences to his bereaved family.
O Allah! May you bestow upon him the lofty station of Jannatul Firdaus and grant patience to his family, Ameen.